Tuesday, September 17, 2013

From the second, let me rephrase that before Lane was even born God was and still is in control. Stepping onto the elevator making it up to the NI CU at LeBonheur Children's Hospital to go and be with God's gift he blessed us with. As I was making my way up to the 4th floor, thoughts running through my mind, asking God why? The elevator stopped on the 3rd floor this lady probably in her early 60's stepped on. She had such a softness about her. As I waited for the stop on the next floor she turned and looked at me and said, he's in God's hands and everything will be okay. The elevator door opened she got off. As I stepped off I looked to tell her thank you as the tears streamed down my face knowing it was an angel God sent to give me the strength to endure what Lane was going through. But she was no where to be seen. I believe we entertain angels everyday not knowing. I walked over to Lanes tiny body with a new strength. It was Gods strength he filled me with. I know it was the words I was going to have to hold on to "It's In Gods Hands." Lane at 4 months old had to have his feedings stopped, this was on 3-9. There was stool leaking from his abdominal incision. By 3-17 it closed on its on and his feeding was restarted. He had a gastrostomy tube placed on 3-24. 

 Lane had an appointment with his neurologist Dr. Muhlbauer which Lane calls Mr Noodle off Elmo's World. His checkup was good he goes back in 9 months. He has had a great week, went to his softball practice and had a blast.

He amazes me, took him to school Wednesday and the teachers helper was out and I was going to go ahead and just take Lane with me. His teacher told me she was good that other teachers was keeping a check on her. So I asked Lane if he wanted to stay or go. Usually he would say go his answer wowed me he said stay. I love him to the moon and back.

  So much has been going on i haven't had time to update lane's blog. Soccer season has started and Lane loves it! Lane appointment with his Gastrologist went great. He got evaluated for aquatic, something that I have been trying to get for three years, God is good.

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