Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It seemed that Lane was gaining a pound a month. Weighing three pounds at three months old. While most newborns at three months are starting the baby babble and cooing Lane was starting to cry. For every hour. for every day, for every month was a mircle with Lane. Watching this precious baby lay there hooked up to everything to live and look so helpless makes you more and more thankful for Gods love. Not knowing then and now "WHY LANE" is not for me to question, Lane was a gift that God blessed me and our family with. I knew I was to love, teach, and neuture him with the grace of God.



What a week we have had the last week. Monday Lane woke up filling yucky.Took him to see Dr. Fowler his peditration aka Dr. Elmo to Lane.Thankful it was just a sinus infection.

He had school pictures on Wednesday and like always he looked cute. Softball season has started, had his first practice and he was so excited. Thearpy at school started back up and he was thrilled to see Ms Kelley. Lane has no fear, a few other kids went through the thearpy tunnel so Lane had to do it and he done it. What a trooper he will try anything. And to top the week off we have started potty training.


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