Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lane's Birth

The day Lane was born he was transported to the NICU in Tupelo MS once he was stable to ride.

The first three weeks of his life he fought for every breath. Lane came into this world for a purpose and he fought every second. We could not hold him due to all of his complications, his skin was so thin you could not touch his body, the only touch he got from us was placing our finger in his little hand. The love for Lane was so deep in my soul and my heart that I ached.

When Lane was 3 weeks old he was transported to the children's hospital LeBonheur in Memphis Tn, the doctors gave him less than 1% to survive, but the God I serve swept a peace over me. Lane had to have heart surgery and stomach surgery where they had to remove some of his intensities that had rotted and was leaking bowel into his body.

                                                   What a fighter Lane was and is.

                                                                 This Week

Lanes first day of school went real good, he was excited to see his teachers Mrs Michelle and Mrs Teresa.

                                                                       Mrs Michelle
                                                                   Mrs Teresa

He was happy to see his friends and made friends with new students. This year Lanes first year to go till 2:30 as of previous he went till 12:00.

                                              He had a great first day!

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