Sunday, September 29, 2013

The excitement of Lanes coming home from the hospital was full of emotions. Lane was released from LeBonheur April 15,2005.Lane liked three days being five months old. Lanes coming home was like bringing home a new born, his weight at five months old was the weight of a new born. He weighed five pounds and six ounces. The difference in Lanes homecoming he couldn't have visitors. For the first three months no one could be around and I had to keep everything wiped down with alcohol. This was the beginning of a very stressful, joyful,emotional, challenging, an awesome growth in the Lord, learning patience and what a unique love for Lane. As a family Lane has taught us a lot.

 What one amazing little boy he is. Everyday is a new day with Lane. I'm blessed and our family is blessed for God giving us Lane

. What love and happiness he brings into everyone life he is a part of. His love for God and the smile on his face is such a blessing to everyone. The joy of watching him getting excited when its time to go to his soccer game.

 It's amazing the favor God gives you with people that understands having a special child. The sleepless nights, not knowing what stimulated them to a point its scary. I know God gives me within myself what it takes to care for Lane.

 Lanes potty training is still going good, three weeks into it he has peed twice in the potty. After school one afternoon this week he wanted to sit in his firetruck he kept saying daddy.

 (Lanes daddy is a fireman) Talking into his toy walkie talkie telling his daddy thank you. Lane is my world round and round.

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