Wednesday, August 28, 2013

It seemed that Lane was gaining a pound a month. Weighing three pounds at three months old. While most newborns at three months are starting the baby babble and cooing Lane was starting to cry. For every hour. for every day, for every month was a mircle with Lane. Watching this precious baby lay there hooked up to everything to live and look so helpless makes you more and more thankful for Gods love. Not knowing then and now "WHY LANE" is not for me to question, Lane was a gift that God blessed me and our family with. I knew I was to love, teach, and neuture him with the grace of God.



What a week we have had the last week. Monday Lane woke up filling yucky.Took him to see Dr. Fowler his peditration aka Dr. Elmo to Lane.Thankful it was just a sinus infection.

He had school pictures on Wednesday and like always he looked cute. Softball season has started, had his first practice and he was so excited. Thearpy at school started back up and he was thrilled to see Ms Kelley. Lane has no fear, a few other kids went through the thearpy tunnel so Lane had to do it and he done it. What a trooper he will try anything. And to top the week off we have started potty training.


Monday, August 19, 2013

The first three months of Lane life was a roller coaster.Dec.30,2004 Lane had a bowel resection with an ileostomy. His oxygen had to be increased several times. To many times to count they would call the priest in cause they thought Lane wouldn't make it. But my physician{God} had all the right medicine. Jan. 17,2005 Lane had a fungal infection, his ostomy began to prolapse and had issues with localized bleeding aroundthe ostomy. Lane started being stable so they transported back to the hospital in Tupelo Ms. where he stayed for three weeks fighting for his life so he was transported back to LeBonheur. Lane had to have an ostomy and central line placement and his oxygen had to be increased. I know the prayer chain was reaching heaven, no matter what negative words the doctors spoke there was only one report I recieved and that was the report of my Heavenly Father.

 Lane had his first softball practice and he was so excited to start his sports back up. The weather has been so nice Lane and I took his bike to the park. This Thursday afternoon will be in my heart forever.As Lane started our stroll on the path a group of all star players was practicing which just made Lane excted to see the boys throwing the ball back and forth I heard the coach tell the boys to be careful. As we was passing the boys i was talking to Lane about the awsome ball team he plays on and the boys was looking at Lane like "he plays ball".We continued on where my daughter had joined us as we was finishing up our stroll we noticed about ten of the boys from the ball team was running towards us. When the boys approached us they circled around us and one of the boys spoke up he handed me a softball and said we want to give this to your son. I stood there speechless with tears streaming down my face. Lane was telling the boys ages 8 and 9 thankyou and insisted on giving them all high fives. God will and does use anyone and anything to let you know hes in control.                  

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Lane's Birth

The day Lane was born he was transported to the NICU in Tupelo MS once he was stable to ride.

The first three weeks of his life he fought for every breath. Lane came into this world for a purpose and he fought every second. We could not hold him due to all of his complications, his skin was so thin you could not touch his body, the only touch he got from us was placing our finger in his little hand. The love for Lane was so deep in my soul and my heart that I ached.

When Lane was 3 weeks old he was transported to the children's hospital LeBonheur in Memphis Tn, the doctors gave him less than 1% to survive, but the God I serve swept a peace over me. Lane had to have heart surgery and stomach surgery where they had to remove some of his intensities that had rotted and was leaking bowel into his body.

                                                   What a fighter Lane was and is.

                                                                 This Week

Lanes first day of school went real good, he was excited to see his teachers Mrs Michelle and Mrs Teresa.

                                                                       Mrs Michelle
                                                                   Mrs Teresa

He was happy to see his friends and made friends with new students. This year Lanes first year to go till 2:30 as of previous he went till 12:00.

                                              He had a great first day!

Monday, August 5, 2013

In my first blog you were introduced to Lane as he is now. I’m going to tell you a little at a time in my blogs beginning when Lane was born. Lane came into this world November 8, 2004 at 8:33a.m. Lane was born at 24 weeks weighing 1lb 10oz and 12 ½ in long. 

The hospital had the NICU and a team of specialist ready. As soon as Lane was born they placed him in an incubator. The specialist started working getting oxygen going and keeping him alive. 

I made  myself  look when they were doing their job. A peace overflowed in me. Lane looked lifeless, but when I saw his little finger moved I knew Lane had a purpose here and God was in control. 

Jumping to now, school will be starting a day late for Lane due to his therapy. This past Saturday Lane had a little back to school swim party with his nephews Conner and Bryant .

They had a blast!

Making faces :)

Love Lane