Wednesday, October 30, 2013

At seven months old Lane weighed six pounds and fourteen ounces and nineteen inches long.His sleeping has improved to sleeping three to four hours. He started getting use to the different sounds other than being use to all the machines and the monitors beeping in the nicunit. Lanes eating was was improving everyday. He was starting to recognize our voices. The start of miracles has just begun.

This month has been one adventure after another. Lane had 50's day at school, he went dressed as Potsy off Happy Days, Lane just isn't a leather guy. Lane had awards at soccer, he got a little stimulated but he done real good. Me, Lane and his sister ran a Zombie Fun Run Lane kept saying dad[his dad watches Walking Dead]. We went to the Fall Festival at Therapy, Lane went as Elf On The Shelf and this past weekend his sister ran a 5k and won first in her age then all 3 of us ran the fun run. The race was for Cerebral Palsy.We went to the fall party at school today, Lane is so blessed to have great teachers.

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